Ensuring Pet Safety: Tips From A Volkswagen Dealer in Albuquerque NM

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Autos

Pets are part of the family, and they bring joy to everyone. They are cute and cuddly and are always ready to make you feel better after a rough day. They are also the perfect companions when driving around town, and you want to make sure that they enjoy the trip as much as you do.

Check out these important reminders from a Volkswagen dealer in Albuquerque, NM for your next drive around this beautiful city with your favorite furry friend.

Use Seatbelts and Pet Harnesses

Any Volkswagen dealership in Albuquerque NM will tell you to invest in an approved car harness or a pet seat belt. Choose the ones that allow your dog to sit or lie down in a natural position so that they can be comfortable throughout the ride. It would also be good if the harness has short tethers and padded straps to ensure that it won’t hurt or injure your pet. Always make sure that it is properly strapped every time you bring your dog out for a ride.

Keep Them Away From Car Doors and Windows

It might look fun for your dog to have their head hanging out of the window, with the pleasant Albuquerque breeze touching their face, but this is actually unsafe. Rocks and other debris could be kicked up by the moving tires, and they could harm your dog. Also, you wouldn’t want them near open windows when you take an unexpected turn. Keep them safe by placing them in a space away from the windows and doors.

DO NOT Leave Them In a Hot Car

It goes without saying that any responsible pet owner shouldn’t leave their furry, feathered, or scaled friends inside the car. Temperatures inside the vehicle could reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit in under 10 minutes, especially since Albuquerque has a desert climate during the summer months. This could induce heatstroke, which may cause your pet to become violently ill.

Make Sure That They Do Not Distract The Driver

Most road accidents are caused by distracted drivers whose focus is away from the road. As adorable as they are, your dog could be this distraction, as they could suddenly beg for attention at the wrong moment. This makes strapping them in their seat all the more important to prevent any accidents.

Tips For Owners with Pets Other Than Dogs

If you have another type of pet, like a rabbit or a cat, it would be better to place it inside a safe and comfortable crater as a precaution. Car straps and harnesses are not advisable for pets smaller than a medium-sized dog as they could end up easily breaking free. It is your responsibility as an owner to ensure that they are safe and protected while travelling.

Having pets could make your drives around the city more colorful. Even if you’re enthusiastic about taking a travel break with your pet, you should keep in mind that safety is always the top priority.

Check out your Fiesta Volkswagen dealer here in Albuquerque, NM now for some amazing deals so you can take your pet for a colorful and comfortable ride all over town in a VW.

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