While most people do not give a whole lot of thought to Trailer Wheels in Wisconsin, there are actually many critical aspects of the wheel which should be considered when trying to find the best one for the application being used. Even though the typical functionality if the wheel is very simple and straightforward, all of the following aspects determine what type of wheel one will need for the trailer.
1. Offset of the wheel- This is the distance between the mounting pad and the center line of the wheel
2. Street Side- This is the side of the wheel that the general public can see when the wheel is mounted properly
3. Backspace- This term refers to the distance between the wheel’s drum side outer most part and the mounting pad
4. Mounting pad- This part butts up against the face of the hub
5. Wheel center- Pretty self-explanatory, this is the absolute dead center of the wheel
6. Bolt circle diameter- This term refers to the diameter of the holes into which the bolts are inserted
7. Wheel diameter- This is where the bead of the tire mounts and creates a seal
The most important aspect in most cases for Trailer Wheels in Wisconsin is the offset. This can spell the difference between the wheel working or the wheel not working on the trailer. The offset can be described by three different terms, those being positive, negative, or zero. Here are the differences:
1. A positive offset is one in which the mounting pad of the wheel is placed away from the drum side of the center line of the wheel
2. A negative offset is one in which the mounting pad of the wheel is away from the street side of the center line of the wheel
3. A zero offset is one in which the mounting pad of the wheel is directly centered with the center line of the wheel
For more information about trailer wheels, to get advice on if the wheel being considered is the correct one for the trailer owned, or to simply purchase a high-quality trailer wheel, contact a company with years of experience such as Website Domain. Their friendly service staff can guide the customer to the proper buying decision.